Downtown Piano Works is Dedicated to PROVIDING The Highest QUALITY MUSIC LEARNING Experience
Developing the musicianship of every student is the core of our curriculum. We believe that the piano lesson and the personal qualities gained from that experience, the openness and curiosity essential to creativity, the drive and self-discipline needed for excellence and the empathy necessary for making music, are critical to the achievement of any pursuit; and that music is a powerful catalyst for personal growth, which is central to any experience.
We offer private lessons for ages 7 and above, with any interest (classical, jazz, composing, song writing, etc..), at any level of study. In addition to introducing young students to the piano, we specialize in rejuvenating teens interest in piano and helping adult students achieve a higher level of musicality.
All students are provided with many opportunities to perform in competitive and non competitive events within our own doors, as well as at the county wide and state level.

At Downtown Piano Works, the health and safety of our students is our top priority. We are offering virtual, one-on-one music lessons, in store classes or a combination of both may be requested. Downtown Piano Works Virtual Lessons helps continue you or your music education in a way that prioritizes well-being and convenience. Whether you’re unable to attend lessons in person, traveling or don’t live near a school, use Downtown Piano Works Virtual Lessons to gain access to our skilled music instructors and unique teaching techniques. This new offering coupled with Downtown Piano Works brilliant teaching faculty culminates in a comprehensive music learning experience that is fun, educational and safe.

The Unexpected Solace in Learning to Play Piano
by Christoph Niemann
At A Glance 2024 - 2025
School Calendar
SEP 9 Fall Semester Begins
OCT 2 Closed - Yom Kippur
NOV 25 - 30 Thanksgiving Break / Make-ups
DEC 22 Last day Of Fall Semester
DEC 23 - JAN 5 Winter Break / make-ups
JAN 6 Winter Semester Begins
MAR 30 Last Day of Winter Semester
MAR 31 - APR 6 Spring Break / Make-ups
APR 7 Spring Semester Begins
MAY 27 Closed - Memorial Day
JUN 30 Last Day Spring Semester
JUL 1-6 make-ups
JULY / AUG Summer Classes
Private lessons are weekly and 1/2 hour in duration.
Fall Semester (14 lessons) $560.00
Winter Semester (12 lessons) $480.00
Spring Semester (12 lessons) $480.00
A 5% discount is offered for one time yearly payments paid prior to school year, students taking 1 hour lessons and households with two or more students enrolled. Discount is applied at time of purchase.
Yearly one time payment $1,444.00
Please call the office to arrange.
Summer classes and individual lessons may be purchased at a rate of $40 a ½ hour if scheduling permits.
Late enrollment will be prorated. You can join our school at any time.
Tuition must be paid prior to lessons starting.